I’m making a little trip to Home Depot this weekend. I need some lighting. Sure, I could borrow some from the school, and I still might, but I’d like to have a few on hand for myself. So I’ve been doing some research on what I’ll need to buy. Here are some of the resources I found:
This video is the basic idea I want. It also reminded me of some important things I would probably have forgotten (like extension cords).
This video is a response to the previous one. It’s a little different and gave me a couple other ideas.
I’m undecided about whether I’m going to buy some stands online (depends on the price and whatnot), or if I’ll make one DIY style. I almost want to do the DIY method just because it’s fun to build things!
I’ll be posting about my shopping trip toward the start of next week and sharing everything I picked up!