Andy Bell
Currently working at an insurance agency, I have about a decade of customer service experience. In my free time, I love video games, technology, and messing about with self-hosted services. Even this very website is hosted on my own rented cloud server, rather than using a ready-built hosting provider.
Follow me on social media using the links above, or check out my blog.
My Current Server Setup

I made some big changes to my server setup in 2024! TL;DR: I’m still all Docker, but now use Traefik as a reverse proxy and have ditched WordPress!
Read about my current server setup >Four in February 2025

Four in February is a yearly challenge to complete four video games during the month of February. After a successful 2024, I’m trying again in 2025!
Will I succeed? Find out >Building My Computer

Hey look! It’s an ancient blog post about my process of building my old computer! I need to blog more apparently!
Read about my decade old computer >